Home Stretch.

Ok, nearly 95k and counting on the WiP. I’m in the second to last chapter now and the last chapter has already been partially written. Between that and maybe a one or two page epilogue, I am just about finished. If all goes as it should, I’m aiming to have the rough completely done at some point on Sunday.

It’s a strange feeling, knowing that I’m almost there. This last week in particular has been a bit surreal – I feel like I’m purposely slowing down in a way, almost like I’m trying *not* to finish. Which would be horribly stupid. 😉

I started writing the book last year, about this time, but I didn’t really *start* until mid fall (and then I didn’t really kick it in until this past January). The summer was mostly me fucking around – unsure and uncertain of what I was doing and where I was going. I definitely made some mistakes. I made my share of excuses. Most of that was fear-driven, though. I hate failing. It’s always easier to just say you’re thinking of writing, or that you’ve started something or that you’re researching for it than to actually just sit down and *do* it. (At least for me). But I’ve come to realize that a lot of that is just a crutch, a surrogate for actually doing the writing. On the other hand, I’m also rather guilty of not doing *enough* research on some things, and that’s probably going to bite me on the ass when I go to do the editing, but I’m already aware of it, so hopefully that’s a plus.

In the interim of not writing I started taking workshops. Too many workshops, actually – but they did serve their purpose. I wasn’t really taking them to learn so much as to get me off my ass. A fair number of those scene exercises have worked their way into the book in one form or another and that’s a nice plus. I started joining a lot of writing groups as well- too many for me to realistically keep up with, but again, so much of that is for the networking, the possible critique partners, publishing resources and just a general learning of how the process works. And that’s helpful too.

In the end, though, it really only comes down to me and they keyboard. All the workshops and books and learning don’t mean shit if the words don’t actually end up on paper. And so, I’m just going to keep plugging away here. Maybe I’ll get a nice quiet spell this weekend and wrap everything up (in the wee hours, most likely). And then, I’ll be editing and writing my pitch.

And enjoying the hell out of my week at RT.


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