I finally started getting down the beginnings of the new book yesterday (though I haven’t updated the word count widget yet). I only got a few pages of it written…but the first chapter has been kicking in my head for over a month now – I just need to get it down. Hopefully I’ll be a little more successful with that today – mr myn is working all night tonight, so once I get the kids into bed, the evening is mine. I’ve tentatively titled it “Shadow Weaver” and it’s a direct sequel to “Shadow of the Incubus”. (The 3rd book, should it come to pass, will be called “Child of Shadow” – but that’s a *long* way off, though I already know how it begins and ends…go figure).
Shadow Weaver will pick up approximately 6 months after SotI, and though I know exactly how it begins, I’m not entirely sure how it’s going to end. New territory for me. I don’t plot much in my chapters – I have a vague approximation of where the story is going to go, but I don’t really know how it’s going to happen. It makes me a tad uncomfortable not knowing where I’m headed, though. Think I might actually need to sit down and sketch it out a bit. 🙂
That being said, it’s rather nice to come back to it. I’ve given SotI a rest, with the exception of some additional light editing (constant battle, that). The characters are way more solidified in my head this time around, and I feel like I know them better. (Makes sense, I suppose).
Now if I can just find a way to balance out my writing time with WoW (which is starting to suck me back into its clutches, dammit!)…
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