We took a half a day yesterday to visit Great Falls. It’s a really lovely park, but for some reason we only seem to get to it every couple of years or so. It tends to be very crowded.
Not sure hiking over the rocks was the best thing for my back (they muscles are screaming about it now), but I took it pretty slow.
And really, you have to respect a place where even the signs in the bathroom declare that if you fall in the water you will die. So, here’s a little smattering of pictures…
Awww…me, because I’m a big silly. And I hate being photographed, but this one came out ok.
mr myn says I should use it for the back of a book cover (*cough*)
Me and the kids overlooking the river. It’s pretty high, but believe it or not, sometimes the river gets up past where we were – every once in a while we get *major* flooding through that area.
Connor being silly in the rocks with his apple juice.
Me, being an even bigger dork. Did I mention I don’t photograph well? LOL
I’m holding a daddy long legs, in case you can’t tell.
More rocks and such…
Funky mushrooms. I have no idea what they are, but they look cool.
After all this, of course, I ran off to Eddie Bauer. I can pretend it’s because the Great Outdoors rubbed off on me, but really? I just loves me some hoodies and they were on sale.