Yeah. That’s about right.
I’m writing this a little earlier today – I have an appointment with a homeopath this afternoon, and it’s one of those really long 3 hour sorts of appointments. I doubt I’ll be fit for much more by the time I get home. Arthritis doc called this morning – results are looking good thus far on the RA/lupus front which is awesome news. My Vitamin D counts are pretty low, but I’m already taking supplements for that, so hopefully I’m on the mend there.
I got through another chapter last night…trying to give the Big Bad a bit more facetime, and I’ve added a nice twist to our hero which should hopefully give us enough angst to lead us nicely into the next book.
In either case, I found myself procrastinating a bit as the night moved on. Kind of like with writing the book – the closer I get to the end, the slower I seem to go. Weird, I suppose, though I suspect it’s that fear of success/failure thing rearing its head up again. Seems like a silly sort thing to care about. I mean – the hard part’s done, so this ought to be smooth sailing.
On the other hand, such procrastination allowed me to discover that Simon and I apparently went to high school right down the road from each other. Hell, for all I know we bumped into each other at the Cherry Hill Mall over the years (we both used to hit the same TGIF, anyway). As he noted, the blogosphere is a very odd place indeed.
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