My first round of edits are nearly finished (just part of the last chapter left), so one of the next things I need to start working on is my “official” author website. Which is sort of amusing to me, since this blog is probably about as official as it gets – it’s pretty much all me and I like it that way.
However, the powers that be have declared I need to have a more central location on the web, and so shall it be be done. Darchala is nearly finished with the banner (and hopefully a few smaller odds and ends) and I just adore it. I’ve got the domain names…but now I need to figure out if I’m going to host it directly, or just use WordPress to host it. (Or host it *and* use WordPress). I’m essentially looking for something that is fairly quick and easy to set up but will allow me to customize it…and make any content changes without much fuss. So, I think I’m going to start with WordPress for now. If it gets bigger I’ll look at a custom back end of some kind, but I think I’m a ways off from that.
In the meantime, I do understand the need for a platform, but I’m lost as to what I’m going to put there for content. I don’t really relish the thought of trying to run two blogs, but it might not hurt to have one with a more professional bent, maybe updated weekly. The thing I find harder to do is come up with actual stuff about *me*. I know some of it will be easier later – when I have a book cover to show or a link to Amazon or whatever, but I’m afraid the bio is going to be a bit thin at the moment. And as fond as I am of spouting off about myself here, it feels very weird to me to think about having an “official” site. I mean, who am I?
(And yeah, it’s intimidating to go look at, say, Sherrilyn Kenyon’s website. Stuff all over the place. A pipe dream for me, for sure.)
One thread at a time, I guess.
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