The problem with having a chronic illness go into remission is that you have a tendency to forget what it’s like when it’s here. I’m assuming that’s a defense mechanism of the body – which sort of makes sense. I think I read somewhere that the body cannot actually remember pain. I mean, you can remember feeling it, but when you remember it, your body doesn’t flare up where you stubbed your toe.
(And things like Phantom pain aren’t really in the same category.)
Anyway, I’ve started the beginnings of an IC flareup. Noticed something was off the other night. I wouldn’t call it a bladder spasm, exactly, but I knew when I hit the bathroom before going to bed that something wasn’t right.
I have a tendency to try to pretend it’s not happening – and maybe that works for a day or so (and sometimes I’m lucky and it *does* just go away), but after 10 years of suffering, I know the signs.And today I’m at work, trying not to run to the bathroom every 2 minutes to empty a bladder that has nothing in it. (Yeah, 24-hour urge. It’s awesome). And then I run through everything I’ve had to eat or drink in the last few days, trying to figure out what might have set it off. And the only thing I can come up with is this new multi-vitamin I started taking on Saturday. Sunday night I remember feeling a little funky – and definitely last night, and definitely today.
I stopped taking the vitamin, obviously, and I’m hoping since I only took it for 3 days it will flush out in about the same amount of time. The ingredients seem pretty standard – except for the citrus bioflavonoids. Acids can definitely set me off, so depending on the concentration, I suppose that could be it. (Of course, I’ve never had grapeseed or horsetail extract either, so who knows?)
In the meantime, guess I’ll just try to distract myself via work. I’d rather not be housebound if I can help it, but there are definitely some bad moments where it’s just easier to plant myself in the bathroom for a few hours.
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