I’m swamped today, but just a quick note to mention that I’m over at Savvy Authors, talking about using Wordle to find word echoes. The rest of my day after work will be to frantically start writing up a few more guest posts. Missed one that was for Thursday…that was apparently due…last Thursday. Some days I think my head would fall off if it wasn’t attached.
Incidentally, Canada has apparently started shipping A Brush of Darkness out, as a few people have told me they got their copies today. 🙂 Also, I’ll be mailing out signed copies to contest winners tomorrow, so hopefully they should have them by Saturday at the latest. I have gotten some additional requests for signed copies, or questions on how people can get signed copies – I’m working on that, so bear with me. 🙂
And I’m all booked for RWA and RT 2011 (still working on travel plans, but at least I’ve got the registration down.)
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