I actually swapped places with my post so that it went up yesterday, but figured I’d talk about it on my normal day anyway. (What else will I have to talk about?? >_<)
It ended up going a bit on the late side due to issues with blogger. The theme this week is about fetishes, and it would seem like the obvious out would be to talk about sexual fetishes, but oddly enough, none of us have so far. Well, I talk a little bit about slash, so maybe that counts, but you know what I mean. At any rate, on a semi-related note, I went and started a tumblr blog. Not because I really need one more thing to keep up with, but because I wanted a spot to indulge a bit of my own fangirlishness from time to time. (Without clogging up my regular blogs, that is. No one wants to see me squee over Fenders, right? Right.)
I don’t expect anyone to actually follow it since there’s no real theme – i.e. I’m not exactly providing new content about anything specific. It’s more for me to just to collect random stuff that makes me momentarily happy.