You know what’s awesome?
Getting actual fan mail where people offer to be part of my “Street Team.” (Which are people who just love the book so much they offer to hand out promo for it. These people are made of gold. I know it.) I put awesomesauce booksellers into this pile also, particularly the ones who go out of their way to sell the hell out of the books they love.
You can pay for all the promo in the world, but when it comes down to it, it’s about word-of-mouth more than anything else. Sorta makes it all worthwhile.
On a completely unrelated and awesome note –> Go here and download this for free. Right now. Because truly, there’s nothing quite like listening to Samuel L. Jackson read “Go the F*ck to Sleep.” (This is me. Every. GD. Night. Tho without the swearing, usually.)
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