Back From the Brink

…so to speak. Obviously I haven’t been blogging for a few days. It’s the fun of the family and holiday thing, I guess. That and continuing to work on my quick and dirty revisions for A Trace of Moonlight before I hand the draft into the editor next week.

Incidentally, A Trace of Moonlight is the official title now. (It’s what the end of SoS lists as the snippet for the next book, so I’ll run with that assumption, anyway.)

(And like everything else I write, my standard MO applies. I come and go in waves both as I write and edit, wavering between, “wow, this is actually pretty good” to “Jesus, this is the worst piece of crap to ever come off the keyboard.” However, I’m about halfway through here, and so far I’m actually feeling okay about it. Doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement – there’s always things that can be made better, but I’m not feeling too hateful about the story overall.)

So there’s that.

Once I turn everything in, I’ll have a few weeks to breathe before my editor kicks it back and I’ll be shifting gears to work on the graphic novel (currently titled Fox & Willow) and the companion website development. Also, I’ll finally get to turn my attention to the epic fantasy thing, which I’ve tentatively titled Ironheart. I’m rather excited about it – it’s been one of those carrots I keep dangling in front of my face.(Haven’t really attempted to start it because I was afraid it would consume the rest of my attention – and paying work comes first, so…yeah.)  There’s so much world building stuff I need to get cracking on for it, but it’s all good.

Otherwise, I’ve got an order in for the next set of trading cards now, so those should be available shortly – I’ll post that here once I’ve got them. And speaking of trading cards – the winner of the Hedgehog Haiku contest for the Mistletoe Madness blog hop is: Sonia! (I’ll be sending her an email shortly to confirm, but I want to thank everyone for entering – I really enjoyed seeing the fab poems you all came up with.)

Last thing – I’m giving away a copy of A Brush of Darkness over a Bitch Can Write a Book today – so stop on by and leave a comment!


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