
No, I don’t know what’s going on in this gif here, but I find it oddly compelling.

Understand that I’m feeling a tad gleeful at finally getting some back end code for the Sad Sausage Dogs tester site to work. It’s the small things, really – and I haven’t done any real web design/coding on a regular basis in quite a while, but I was up until about 2 last night working on it. And the problem is, I couldn’t get part of it working, and even though I was so tired I was staring at the code cross-eyed, my brain wouldn’t shut down.

So I go to bed and all I’m seeing is potential hacks and workarounds and things to try. On one level, I sorta dig it – it’s like a puzzle and if I just keep moving the pieces around, sooner or later I’ll make it fit.

And I did. At lunch today, I ham-fisted a really clunky workaround, but it works.  So that’s one more thing to cross off my list. Which is good, because my list of “shit to do” is like 3 miles long.  (And I’m super glad I spent extra time on it a few weeks ago to get the back end to work the way I wanted.) In theory there isn’t a massive rush to get it up…except now there sort of is.

Technically the comic won’t go live for a few more months, but Aimo has created some additional artwork for Womanthology starring our main characters (Valentine’s Day stuff) and that will get sent out to thousands of subscribers in the next few days. Since our URL is attached to it, it would probably be a good thing if there were an actual landing pad. (Other than just a Coming Soon, type thing.) So probably tonight or tomorrow I’ll set up the live site for real and maybe we can get a preview of things to come.  (I just need to create some basic content. And all the social networking claptrap. And a contact form. Gah.)

It’s not a particularly snappy website, I’ll admit – but I just don’t have enough time to make it really fabulous. (Though I may pay someone later.) Plus, the focus should really be on the comic and artwork, not the CSS bells and whistles – so I’ll do the best I can for now.

Stay tuned for an unveiling soon! 😀

Otherwise, I’m over at Books Make Me Happy today, talking about music and writing and a bit about the music you see in BoD and SoS. 😀


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