Been a while since I had one of these, but not a whole lot going on today. (Not counting the arrival of my back brace. Doctor was hoping it might help relieve some of the pressure on my spine. In truth I feel like I’m in a very ugly corset, at the moment. Not sure it’s helping, but I’ll give it a few weeks and see what happens. ) Actually, there is some funny stuff happening behind the scenes, but I’ll get to that later when I’ve got a few more details. (Not a new book or anything, just amusement for a good cause.)
Anyway – the topic over at Word Whores this week is about using holidays as a plot device. Good? Bad? Ugly? As with everything else, YMMV. Though most theme stories aren’t really my cup of tea, I can definitely understand why some people like them. Also, we have a new Word Whore! James A. Moore has graciously accepted the open slot, giving us back our Manwhore Monday post. (Very excited about this, btw! He wrote that lovely Dr. Doom vs Barbie piece at WFC during some late night shenanigans that I was partially involved in.)
New Fox & Willow up today too – nearly done with the story flashback. Another page or so and we’ll be back in business to see what Willow and Gideon are gonna do with all this awful information… *waggles eyebrows*