Okay – after taking a tally of all the answers for the Carniepunk contest, I had ms Lucy draw the lucky winner and it’s Susan!
(4th comment down on the above linked post.)
So, if Susan could contact me at apang at heartofthedreaming dot com with her address information, I’ll get that copy of Carniepunk sent out next week.
If I don’t hear from her by Tuesday, I will draw another winner. Thanks so much to everyone who participated! 🙂
And on an unrelated note, I haven’t linked to any updated Fox & Willow pages, lately – but we’re up to page 130 now and in the home stretch. (I think we’re aiming for a nice round 150 pages at this point and then we’ll be taking a little break as we prepare for the next chapter.)
3 Responses to Carniepunk Giveaway Winner