About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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Will Edit for Food
Posted in editing
I sent the first 16 chapters of my revisions over to my editor yesterday. I still have several chapters to go, but it *is* getting there. It’s a lot more than I thought it would be. Edits are like that I guess, but I’ve found as I’ve tried to expand the story more, new details started cropping up – and new ideas. It’s a bit like herding cats, maybe, but there comes a moment when you look at something and you have to decide if it’s *really* necessary. I mean, sure it’s a funny bit, but if it’s not moving things along, I’m probably going to have to cut it. What I sent her wasn’t polished at all – I discovered that if I tried to fix it up too much as I went, then I wasn’t really moving forward anymore. Never mind the fact that as soon as I…
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The Edits Shall Continue Until Morale Improves…
Posted in editing, updates
Thanks to some company this weekend, I managed to wiggle out another chunk of editing. This particular scene has been taking me a bit longer than I thought it would, but I was able to finally get over the hump on Saturday. One of those things where my brain understands the concept just fine, but getting the words down and making it work correctly is a bit of a bear. In the end I had to just stop trying to make it perfect and get the bones down. For me, this means a lot of stilted dialog and crappy dialog tags: “Blah blah blah blah,” I muttered snarkily, doing something that’s probably going to get cut next pass.“Blah blah, blah blah blah blah,” he pointed out, making smexy eyes at me.“But blah blah! How else am I going to be able to Comshock with the Groosalugg?” My mouth pursed as I made an astute observation while…
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Lord of the Edits.
Posted in editing, updates
I spent 13 hours straight editing my book on Saturday. A bit less than that yesterday, though mostly because SnarkyNavyWife was in town and we needed to meet up for lunch. Both of these things were made possible because mr myn took the kids out of the house for pretty much the entire weekend, a fact for which I am terribly grateful. I do regret not being able to enjoy the sunshine much on Saturday, but unfortunately, deadlines don’t wait on the weather. On the other hand, I got a tremendous amount done (including about 2500 new words written), so I suppose that’s the trade off. Much of this editing isn’t really about writing new stuff so much as reorganizing what I have. I feel like I’m constantly going back and forth and pulling out details at one spot and shoving them into another. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t…
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Give Me Chocolate or Give Me Death…
Posted in editing, hello kitty fail, revisions, socks
You know – in case you didn’t really believe my tweet that my awesome editor, Danielle, sent me chocolate with my revisions. (Yes that is a pink Hello Kitty keyboard. Yes, I’m a freak. Sorry.) I’m still mulling the notes over, honestly – but in more of a potential “what can I do to really make this rock” sort of way than anything else. And because I know there will be two more books, I can also try to look at weaving some of the plots together so they will be a bit more cohesive between stories. I tend to think long-term. I’m very used to those long Fantasy epics, so when I first started writing, I assumed I could do the same thing…but as an aspiring author, writing a series is frowned upon – or at least pitching a book as part of one, anyway. As anyone who’s tried…
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