
Ergo, Ego, Eros

Posted in craft, ego, writing | 3 Comments
Writers, from what I can tell, seem to be a bit of a emotional bunch. One only has to be on a few mailing lists to see it – the brilliant moments of shared success when someone wins a contest or gets a call back from an agent, to the utterly gut-wrenching posts of despair that all one’s hard work is for naught – that no one will read it or buy it or like it.  And it’s not limited to just aspiring authors either – even the pubbed folks get rejected sometimes.  Even so, I think it’s a healthy sort of fear. One that might drive you to edit faster or write better, to attempt to become more than what you are. Jeffe and I were chatting about this the other day – why we as writers do what we do. There’s probably a certain amount of ego involved in… Read more