
Give Me Chocolate or Give Me Death…

Posted in editing, hello kitty fail, revisions, socks | 12 Comments
You know – in case you didn’t really believe my tweet that my awesome editor, Danielle, sent me chocolate with my revisions. (Yes that is a pink Hello Kitty keyboard. Yes, I’m a freak. Sorry.) I’m still mulling the notes over, honestly – but in more of a potential “what can I do to really make this rock” sort of way than anything else. And because I know there will be two more books, I can also try to look at weaving some of the plots together so they will be a bit more cohesive between stories. I tend to think long-term. I’m very used to those long Fantasy epics, so when I first started writing, I assumed I could do the same thing…but as an aspiring author, writing a series is frowned upon – or at least pitching a book as part of one, anyway. As anyone who’s tried… Read more

Hello Kitty Fail – Every Click a Sexy Experience!

Posted in hello kitty fail, wtf | 4 Comments
I am always on the search for a new Hello Kitty mouse. They break, frequently, and yet I cannot help my most shameful addiction. However, Sanrio-licensed mice are pretty expensive – especially given they don’t usually last for more than a few months. Even so, I’ve paid anywhere between $24 to $50 for the real thing. Given their propensity for destruction, this has led to a fair amount of trolling on ebay for the cheapest Sanrio knockoff I can find. ($6 from Hong Kong? *SOLD*!) Lucy decided to help out with the photo of the latest one there, hence the feet. I got it in the mail this morning, and on first look it’s about standard for a knock-off. HK looks good…but a little off, which I can live with. Certainly, nothing about this mouse screams “sexy” to me. Unless I’m just not looking at it hard enough. But, no!… Read more