About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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Whee! Greetings from RT!
Posted in no sleep 'til brooklyn, pitching, RT
1 Comment
Ok…here for less than 24 hours, but I can already tell it’s going to be a good time. Pros: 1) The guy at security in the airport flirted with me. Said my eyes were hypnotic and then mumbled something about getting into trouble. Erm? 2) The airplane was late, but the seat next to me was *empty*. Yay. Room to stretch out. 3) Roomies are fun! 4) Jacuzzis are fun! Cons: 1) Roomies snore! (or at least one of them does – and you’d think I’d be used to it by now since mr myn snores. However, it seems kinda rude to reach out across the room and kick Liz in the butt with my foot like I do with him.) 2) The motherfucking mockingbird that sat outside our room and sang ALL DAMN NIGHT. “TWIT TWIT TWIT. WHOO WHOO WHOO. ACKY ACKY ACKY“. I honestly didn’t recognize what birds…
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