

Posted in blog, forum, pensive | Leave a comment
About six years ago, I started an online forum. It was a spin off of a gaming site known as Ladies of Neverwinter (which is now defunct). My reasons for creating the site were several, but the main reason was that LoN was shut down shortly after I found it. I’d barely scratched the surface of what an online community could be, and I had enough tech savvy to start up my own. So I did. I got a webhost and a domain name and figured out enough php and mysql to get phpbb up and running and off I went. A lot of it was a great learning experience. There’s a large balancing act when you’re a forum admin, particularly on a subject that many people are passionate about. (In this case, gaming. At the time everyone was about Neverwinter Nights and Baldur’s Gate.) There was fanfic, fan art,… Read more

What Happens If The Words Run Out?

Posted in pensive, word counts, worry, writing | Leave a comment
Okay – I don’t actually feel this way tonight. I just thought the picture was funny. For the most part, things seem to be looking up. My father-in-law now has nearly 24 hour care set up at his house and that should help with the day-to-day stuff. I’ve been able to turn back to my writing this week, finally rounding past the 90k mark. Which is great, except I’m just now heading into the start of the climax of the thing…but the draft version is becoming more complex as I go and I think it’s going to take a bit more than 10k to finish it up. (Probably closer to 15 to 20k). I suspect I’ll be chopping some of that out during editing, but for now I’ll run with it. There’s more than enough plot stuff to carry me into book 3, so that makes me feel pretty good… Read more