
What Is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow?

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Lazy weekend this weekend, but on a lark we decided to head up to the Maryland Renaissance Festival for some Steak on a Stake, jousting, peasant wenches, drunkards and shirtless Celts in kilts. And a good time was had by all. (Even when it started pissing rain later in the afternoon.) We’ve taken the kids to it before, but this was the first year I think they both sorta got something out of it. Last year, Lucy really wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but this time around she figured it out pretty quick. And once both kids stopped whining about wanting to buy something every 2 booths, it worked out pretty well…though, I’m the biggest sucker when it comes to these sorts of places. “You mean, you want that shiny dagger and matching gorget?  Can Mommy borrow it? Sure!” But what the hey, I had a little extra cash… Read more