
Halloween Updates

Posted in blog, dragon age, fangirl, Halloween, sliver of shadow, writing | 5 Comments
…such as they are. I’m a tad bleary since I ended up in the Urgent Care clinic last night with Lucy…who was running a temp of 106. Which freaked me out. (Tried it several times, 106, 107, Err. Tried another thermometer and it said 105. Yeah, off to the clinic/ER). She’s being treated for strep now, but it was a very long night. (She does look better this morning, though, so that’s good.) Oddly enough, I seem to recall one of my kids was sick like this last Halloween as well, which makes for a short trick-or-treating stint, but we’ll see how she’s doing later tonight. In the meantime, I did submit a list of potential reviewers to receive galleys of A Sliver of Shadow this morning – I only had a very limited number and there may have been some overlap between my list and the publisher, which means… Read more