About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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PG BlogFest Smut Scene!
Posted in flash fiction, smut
Okay, I’d actually forgotten to do this (even though I put it on my calendar and everything), so I whipped this up at lunchtime. It’s probably a little rough around the edges, but I think it will do. The original idea was inspired by Simon Larter, with the understanding that the scene has to meet the following requirements: 1)A short love scene between two characters (yes, two, ‘cause if it’s a threesome or better, it sure as hell ain’t PG!) 2)The reader needs to understand that the act of love is occurring, but the language must remain MG/PG. 3) You may not fade to black because that would be cheating!I figured I’d give this a shot – though I’m not particualrly good at the PG stuff. I decided to take my characters from the YA SteamPunk thing I’m playing around with and see what they’d do. For some perverse reason, I…
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No, It’s NOT Catcher in the Rye, Dad.
Posted in covers, romance, smut
So, it’s finally sinking in that the book thing is going to happen. I was talking to my Dad on the phone about it the other night and he kind of got this weird tone to his voice and asked if I was going to have one of those “half-naked barbarian” covers. Which, I suppose, is possible. Although you don’t see too many clinch covers these days, and probably very unlikely for an Urban Fantasy type of romance – but, as I told him, it’s probably not going to be up to me. I honestly have no idea how much input I’ll get into it, but that’s all right. His question kind of had me thinking, though. I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve written….but I’m not sure I really want to know that he’s read it. I mean, I told him it was fairly smutty in places and he was…
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Smut and the 1st PoV
Posted in craft, pov, smut, writing
I had a slightly different topic of discussion yesterday that was lost by way of a few careless keystrokes, but I think this might be a little more interesting. It’s funny to me, because as I’ve mentioned before, I adore first person stories. Or maybe a better qualified statement is that I adore *good* first person stories. And as I’ve stated before, most of my favorite books are written in first, although certainly not all of them. We’ve had quite the discussion on the FF&P loops the last few days about it – what people like and don’t like, and I’ve seen a few impromptu polls go up on Facebook about it too. People seem to fall into three categories: 1) Either they loathe first person and refuse to read anything in it, regardless of author, storyline, etc or 2) People who don’t mind it at all. or 3) People…
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