About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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Staples Are OUT!
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…and I’m happy enough about that fact that I’m blogging about it. From the doctor’s office, actually. In truth, it’s my aunt’s doctor – driving still sucks enough that for longer car rides, it’s easier for someone else to be behind the wheel. (I did try, today – had to take the kids to school/daycare, and while it was doable, it’s still very difficult to see behind me.) There is still some residual pain down the back of my left leg, but doc said that would be there for a little while. They had some difficulty moving the nerve out of the way during the surgery, as the disc issue was apparently chronic. As opposed to acute, which would have been better. My understanding of the situation is that chronic means the issue was there for a while – i.e. the disc fragment was hard and the nerve was looped…
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Back to Work…
Posted in Lucy, surgery, TinkerBell
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…or something like it. Actually managed to work from home yesterday, and while I did have to make frequent stops to go walk around or throw on an ice pack, I seem to have managed. Overall, I seem to be feeling better, though there definitely seems to be some inner pain. I think there’s a lot of stitches under the skin, so that’s understandable. Although, every once in a while, I get a cramp on either side of the staples that feels like I’m being branded. Seriously, the pain is really pretty damn exquisite…and thankfully, doesn’t last too long. On the other hand, I feel a tad removed from the family. I can’t curl up on the couch with the kids or put them to bed and I’m starting to miss that. Hopefully once the staples come out, some of that will change. The concept of driving is laughable, so…
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Just Call Me Staples McGee…
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You know. In case you really *didn’t* believe me. Last post on this, I promise. 🙂 Yes. It hurts as bad as it looks. Maybe I should make it something artsy. Call it “Shutting the Window to My Soul” or some such crap. “Inverse Bellybutton”? And I am glad I didn’t get the tattoo earlier…but when this is done, I think I might, just to cover up the scar a bit. Maybe a butterfly or something… Edited to add: Yes – I am a freak. Remember that crazy show Aeon Flux? The cartoon, not the crappy movie. Right. The weird one. LOL. Remember that one episode where the chick gets that hole blown in her back? No? Well, I just knew I had something in common. Guess all I need is a 13 inch waist and a corset… Aeon Flux – MTV Shows …and yeah – they make you watch…
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True Love…
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…is having your husband wash your hair when you can barely stand in the shower. 🙂 Actually attempted to get clean yesterday, and it helped. I can’t get my back wet yet, so we ended up putting some funky plastic wrap over the dressing and just sort doing the best we could with the front. By the end of it I was so utterly exhausted I pretty much passed out on the bed immediately, but at least I no longer smell like the hospital. Good news? It’s a little better on day 4. I’m living with an ice pack strapped to my waist, but that helps tremendously. Actually managed to sleep last night. Still taking the perc as I need it, but I think that will be lessening soon. I go back to the doc’s for my first follow up on Friday – if all goes well, I’ll be getting…
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Musings on Being a Turtle.
Posted in rant, surgery
So, I was hoping the second day would be the worst of it, but as of this morning and a very sleepless night, I’m going to have to say day three is really kinda blowing. I attempted to be good and go to bed early (9:30 whee!), but that ended in me mostly just lying there awake and unable to sleep. Muscles are all completely on fire today=> the turtle picture is because that’s pretty much how I feel. Lay me on my back and it takes me a very long time to get up. (And I can no longer seem to kick mr myn when he snores…I just sorta flail there…pretty pathetic. LOL) Definitely stiffer all over today, mostly because of whatever weird position they had me during the surgery. (Think they draped me sorta half upright over something…my ribcage and upper arms are definitely letting me know about…
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