
Vibrator WTFkery

Posted in orgasm, vibrator, wtf | 4 Comments
It always sort of cracks me up that for all that people of the Victorian age seemed to be such uptight prudes, they certainly had some weird practices when it came to curing feminine “hysteria.” I’m actually trying to imagine a world where sexually unsatisfied women would go to their doctor complaining of anxiety, sexual fantasies and shortness of breath – and the solution would be for the doc to manually frig them to orgasm. Apparently this was very tiring to the doctors (and it would often take an hour or more to produce the desired effect. Incidentally, WTF was up with men during this time? An hour? Really?) Part of me would have imagined this was some dreadfully pervy and sordid affair – ladies heading out for tea and a twiddle during their daily constitutional, but no…the docs apparently saw it merely a type of chore and often tried to pan… Read more