
Something New

Posted in blog, ironheart, wip, writing | 9 Comments
I’ve been vacillating back and forth about this potential new story. 1st PoV or 3rd? Stick with the beginning I wrote a few years ago or restructure it into something else? Although the core of the story has stayed the same more or less, the world building side of things has taken a slightly different twist than I planned. I’m going to run with it for now, though I’m still feeling it out. A few new characters have popped up too, and I’m not sure how they’re all going to work with each other. Sometimes I’ll actually throw new characters into bed or some other awkward situation, just to see how things play out. (No, I almost never use those scenes – they’re strictly my brain figuring out the pieces.) But this time around I’ve got a younger set of characters. I’m not sure if this is going to be YA or… Read more


Posted in done, wip, writing | 4 Comments
….and at nearly 2 am on Sunday morning, the bitch is DONE. Rough draft is approximately 96, 531 words. I fully expect that number to change (hopefully higher) during editing. Holy Crap. I’m going to bed. Tomorrow, I play WoW. Monday, I write my pitch. Tuesday, RT. Wednesday, I conquer the world. *I am Spartacus*! *faceplants*… Read more

Home Stretch.

Posted in craft, wip, writing | 2 Comments
Ok, nearly 95k and counting on the WiP. I’m in the second to last chapter now and the last chapter has already been partially written. Between that and maybe a one or two page epilogue, I am just about finished. If all goes as it should, I’m aiming to have the rough completely done at some point on Sunday. It’s a strange feeling, knowing that I’m almost there. This last week in particular has been a bit surreal – I feel like I’m purposely slowing down in a way, almost like I’m trying *not* to finish. Which would be horribly stupid. 😉 I started writing the book last year, about this time, but I didn’t really *start* until mid fall (and then I didn’t really kick it in until this past January). The summer was mostly me fucking around – unsure and uncertain of what I was doing and where… Read more