
Workshopping It

Posted in blog, workshops | Leave a comment
I’m starting to get requests to do workshops or guest blogs. Not a whole lot, yet, but enough that I’m starting to think about it. Which is sort of odd for me, since I’m not sure I’m enough of an expert to really “teach” anyone anything about writing. The best I can think of is maybe something on the art of being a panster. (or “mister” as Jeffe prefers). Or maybe some combination of things that might work for both pansters/plotters. Ideally, I’d like to get some input on maybe running Flash Fiction exercises, because some of what works in pansting is just letting go of the moment and writing what shows up. (Something that plotters tend to be fairly uncomfortable with.) Five minute writing prompts might work pretty well for that, I think. But again, the most I can do is talk about what works for “me” – and… Read more

Breaking Rules

Posted in workshops, writing | 5 Comments
So I got an email for another workshop the other day. Which is fine. I used to take a lot of workshops, and sometimes I still do, though I tend to lurk in some more than others. Just depends on the timing and the subject matter. Overall, I do tend to prefer workshops that have at least *some* element of hands on, but sometimes it’s not always possible due to the content or just the sheer number of people taking the course. Anyway, so this one came into my inbox and it just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t remember all the specific details, but it had something to do with keeping “writing sense” or some such. Essentially we were going to be taught why it wasn’t okay to have main characters who didn’t fit certain tropes – i.e. a elderly type woman couldn’t suddenly become a Goth or… Read more


Posted in tarot, work, workshops | Leave a comment
Ack! Pardon me while I scream. I accidentally signed up for two workshops this month and I’m sinking a bit. Actually that’s not entirely true. I am taking Arwen Lynch’s Hero’s Journey workshop and I’ve been finding it rather fascinating. Couldn’t find my Robin Wood tarot deck, so I went out and bought a new one. And the Mystic Fairy deck. And Buckland’s Romani deck. (That one had to be special ordered, actually, but I friggin *love* it). The workshop is nice and has allowed me to slow down and really look at just how my story is being put together – I’m really hoping to find some answers as to the backstory on a few of my characters. The other workshop is Margie Lawson’s ECE workshop, and OMG, the sheer amount of information this woman gives us is nothing short of amazing. Some people say you have to take… Read more