
Vibrator WTFkery

Posted in orgasm, vibrator, wtf | 4 Comments
It always sort of cracks me up that for all that people of the Victorian age seemed to be such uptight prudes, they certainly had some weird practices when it came to curing feminine “hysteria.” I’m actually trying to imagine a world where sexually unsatisfied women would go to their doctor complaining of anxiety, sexual fantasies and shortness of breath – and the solution would be for the doc to manually frig them to orgasm. Apparently this was very tiring to the doctors (and it would often take an hour or more to produce the desired effect. Incidentally, WTF was up with men during this time? An hour? Really?) Part of me would have imagined this was some dreadfully pervy and sordid affair – ladies heading out for tea and a twiddle during their daily constitutional, but no…the docs apparently saw it merely a type of chore and often tried to pan… Read more

Hello Kitty Zombies

Posted in hello kitty, wtf, zombies | 7 Comments
You know, last week after we wandered about the corn maze in the dark, we drove home with the heat on full blast. And I was still freezing. Mr myn couldn’t understand why and I tried to explain to him that my backside was a block of ice. He obviously didn’t believe me, so he copped a quick feel (in a non-pervy sense), withdrew his hand and then calmly asked how long I’d been undead for. *ahem* Aannnnyway. In the spirit of such, mr myn not only took the kids out to IHOP and to a movie this morning/afternoon (to give me a little alone time), but he was also struck by the sudden urge to stop by Hot Topic and purchase me a blanket of Hello Kitty Zombie Awesomesauce. This is true love, my friends.… Read more

Who Peed on the Pumpkin?

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I’m actually too tired to blog today, but I did find this particularly weird children’s book. According to the summary at Amazon: Who would pee on poor Pumpkin, just sitting there grinning and minding his own business? Follow the mystery of possible tricksters who might be responsible. Was it Owl? Was it Toad? Was it Ghost? Who is this trickster? Do you know who? Of course, we may never know who peed on the pumpkin, with a price of $24.95. Seriously. WTF is up with that? Actually, after digging a little deeper, this does turn out to be a real bit of WTFkery, as the book was “published” by PublishAmerica. Kinda sad, really.… Read more

Where My Kids At?

Posted in win, wtf | Leave a comment
Swagger Wagon for the win.… Read more

Crap Cartoon of the Day

Posted in crap, wtf | 8 Comments
It’s not much fun hanging at home with a sick kid. Connor’s been running a steady temp since yesterday (and it’s already starting to creep up again, so I suspect we’ll be home again tomorrow.) However, one of the “perks” of being home with him is the constant drone of the TV. And when he’s that miserable, I don’t mind if he wants to play XBox until his brains fall out. (Hell, if it’s Lego StarWars or Harry Potter, I’m all over it.) Usually, though, it’s a steady stream of Spongebob, Transformers, Star Wars and whatever the movie of the week is. (How to Train Your Dragon is on heavy rotation at the moment.) This afternoon, though, we managed to catch a few utterly craptastic episodes of Z Evo 3, or whatever it is. The fact that it’s really nothing more than a big commercial for Sketchers should have been… Read more