About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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Tag Archives: bacon
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Tagged author copies, bacon, conventions, nycc, swag, trace of moonlight
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Mine Reputation Doth Proceed Me…

I Can Haz Editor!
There’s something rather awesome about bacon you can cook in your toaster.** There’s also something awesome about being assigned a new editor after several weeks of author-limbo. (The patter of my brain has been a bit like this: “Doesn’t anybody wannntttt meeee? Do I smell? I smell, don’t I?” and so on and so on…) *ahem* So, without further ado, I’d like to announce that I’ll be working with awesomesauce editor Megan McKeever! (And there was much rejoicing, especially since Book 2 is due in…two weeks.) ** Of course, Reddi-Bacon didn’t last too long – even though they were basically glorified bacon pop-tarts, apparently no one figured out how to not get the grease to leak out of the tinfoil thing they were wrapped in. And what does grease do when it meets the heating element of a toaster? Yeah. Unrelated and also awesome? A breakfast meat nativity scene –>…
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