Tag Archives: eggs


Egg Laying

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There’s that saying out there that indicates you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. And it sorta goes hand in hand with the whole “don’t count your chickens until they hatch.” Publishing is often a waiting game, and there’s nothing quite so lousy as announcing some wonderful news…only to find out a few days/weeks/months later that you jumped the gun and said item won’t happen. Even aside from having to deal with disappointment, now you have to retract and that’s a frustrating feeling.  (And potentially confusing to readers.) But the egg and basket motif makes a fair amount of sense, particularly for writers and particularly in these changing times. After all, there are so many options out there right now – trad pubbing, indie-pubbing, self-pubbing, paper books, ebooks, etc. Diversify the portfolio and all that. And really, this is where having an agent comes in handy – or at… Read more