About Allison Pang
Hello Kitty Connoisseur.I write the Abby Sinclair UF series, published by Pocket Books, the IronHeart Chronicles and the ongoing Fox & Willow webcomic at Sad Sausage Dogs. Represented by Jess Regel of Helm Literary.
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Tag Archives: magpie’s song
I Can Haz Proof…
It’s an older meme sir, but it checks out… *ducks* In either case, I’m so excited to finally show the cover for Magpie’s Song in its entirety! Proofs have arrived and I’ve been sorting through all the bits and pieces to make sure there aren’t any errors for when it goes to print for real. (And frankly it’s a damn good thing I did as I discovered I had accidentally entered the wrong ISBN for one set of them and oops. Easy fix now, maybe not so much if I had just gone on my merry way.) Now if you were one of my newsletter subscribers, you got to see this the other day (the actual artwork – I didn’t have the proof yet at that point,) but it’s amazing how lovely it looks wrapped around the actual content. Incidentally, newsletter subscribers also got first crack at those swag bookmarks…
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Magpie’s Song Cover Reveal
So, finally, *finally* I can share this bit of awesomesauce! I have publication dates, I have pre-order links, and I have a cover for the first book in my new series, The IronHeart Chronicles, officially on sale August 8th! The first book, as I’ve mentioned before is Magpie’s Song (obviously) and will be followed by Magpie’s Fall (Dec 2017) and Magpie’s Flight (TBD). At any rate, it’s been a long time coming and I’m so very pleased to finally be able to get this out into the world. Incidentally, the artist for this lovely cover is Regina Wamba of Mae I Design and I can’t emphasize enough what a great job she did on it (the full piece for the print version is *amazing* and I adore it.) So what’s the skinny on the book itself? A little back cover copy: In the slums of BrightStone, Moon Children are worth less than the…
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Bits and Bobs and Brands…
Welp. Lots of things to talk about today – first things first, I finally did the proper sort of author thing and set up an official newsletter. I realize I haven’t been blogging much here, but every time I think about it, I stop because I always end up losing a few followers whenever I don’t talk about books or writing or whatever, so to make things easier, especially with my indie-pub series coming out in the next couple of months, I figured a newsletter would be the thing to do. As in, you just want book info and writing stuff/webcomic stuff/cover reveals, whatever – go sign up for the newsletter. And that’s what you’ll get. (I’m still trying to figure out how MailChimp works, so it might be a tad buggy until that’s settled…) Sign up on the sidebar, or just go to the newsletter page and do it there.…
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Rebuild, Repair, Rewrite…
Posted in blog
Tagged breaking shit, desktop, editing, laptops, magpie's song, new book, vacations
So it’s been a while since my last post – lots of things going on I suppose. Some good, some bad, some I’m not entirely sure about. We’ll start with the good – which is mostly involving travel – since the last few years were not great pain-wise, we’d had to push off any sort of family trips and whatnot, and though I’m still not entirely “good” I was “good enough.” We finally hit up Disney World for a few days, went to Katsucon, started looking at maybe renting an RV over the summer to take a few weeks to drive across the country. (Will it happen? Who knows, but it’s fun to look.) I am *hoping* to possibly do some more travel in general – I’m actually tentatively scheduled to hit a con in July. (Camp NeCon, to be specific. It’s a smaller con and mostly writer based, but it…
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